Wonderware Historian’s Powerful New Client Tool
Sep 14 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Wonderware Historian's Powerful New Client Tool

Wonderware Historian’s Powerful New Client Tool

If you’re simply collecting process data to view on basic trends, you’re barely scratching the surface of what’s possible. Wonderware Insight for the Wonderware Historian will change the way you interact with data. Join this webinar to learn about this brand new analysis and visualization tool and see how absolutely easy it is to unleash the true power of the Wonderware Historian. Wonderware Insight brings:

  • A browser neutral web tool for Wonderware Historian and Wonderware Online.
  • Multiple graphical widgets to view information in the best fit for the type of data being viewed.
  • New easy to use keyword search to quickly find the tags you are interested in viewing.
  • Ability to now both save custom keywords and then search content by those same keywords to easily find related content.
  • Focused log in page with immediate data collection highlights, recent content and dashboards.
  • New concept of data tiles to quickly access previously saved data sets quickly and graphically.
  • Drill-down from tag spark lines to full resolution trends.
  • Full-screen toggle option to maximize trends and other graphical elements for large screen displays.
  • Custom date ranges for tag time lines.
  • Dashboard functionality to quickly group multiple saved tag collections into one single page. Can be auto-generated based on keywords.
  • And more…

Wonderware Historian InSight is easy to set up, there are no special prerequisites except Historian 2014 R2 SP1 Patch 1—it works with modern browsers, does not require Microsoft IIS, and works on all supported Historian operating systems.

If you want to learn more about this easy, new and powerful Historian Client from Wonderware, please join us for this free webinar.

Topic: Wonderware Historian’s Powerful New Client Tool
Date: Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Time: 2:00 pm EST
Click here to register for this free webinar.

Rockwell Automation Webinar- Best Practices for Engineering and Consulting Firms
Sep 27 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm

Today’s Engineering and Consulting firms (EPC) are challenged to keep current with advancements in technology and automation solutions. Industry expertise and technical “know how” are your competitive advantages to complete projects on-time and under-budget.

In this webinar series, Rockwell Automation will present topics geared towards the EPC community. The key focus will be to provide tools and technology education that will reduce your design time, speed site commissioning, and lower overall project risk. You can earn one Professional Development Hour by attending these webinars!

2016 Yokogawa Users Conference and Exhibition @ Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld
Oct 3 – Oct 6 all-day

Meet GMP at the 2016 Yokogawa Users Conference and Exhibition

plan-to-attend                schedule-meeting               visit-booth              evans-console

The 2016 Yokogawa Users Conference and Exhibition – North America will be held on October 3 – 6 in Orlando, FL at the Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld hotel.

The program is currently being designed to offer unique and exciting opportunities to learn more about Yokogawa’s solutions and how they can assist you in achieving safe, reliable, and profitable operations in your facility. With the event scheduled for the fall of 2016, there is ample time to plan your budget and justifications for attending, which include the opportunity to:

  • Learn about industry best practices
  • Discover ways to increase quality and efficiency and lower operating costs through proven methods and use of Yokogawa products
  • Network with fellow users, industry and business leaders, system integrators, representatives, and Yokogawa product and solution experts
  • Attend hands-on workshops and seminars that will earn you Professional Development Hours (PDH) certificates
  • Interact with many of Yokogawa’s subject matter experts and value-added suppliers to see how these technologies and services can fit directly into your business model
  • See the latest advances in Yokogawa products and solutions and learn about the future vision of the company
  • Participate in Yokogawa product and solutions and workshops
  • Provide recommendations and help influence future product development

Who Should Attend?

  • Those who are interested in looking into the Future of Industrial Automation and seeing how the technologies which progress one industry can move others forward as well
  • Those who own, operate or integrate Yokogawa’s industrial automation solutions or plan to do so in the future
  • Those interested or involved in the upstream oil & gas, chemical, refining, LNG, or power industries
  • Plant managers and engineers who have established goals of increased plant efficiency and productivity
  • Individuals who want to learn and share ideas and best practices with product and industry specialists, systems integrators, representatives, suppliers, and fellow users

The 2016 Users Conference and Exhibition will also feature a demo showcase for Yokogawa and its partners and suppliers to highlight industry solutions and products.

Why Exhibit?

  • Position your company’s products and services with end users
  • Increase awareness of your offerings
  • Enhance your partnerships and relationships
  • Network with fellow users, industry and business leaders, system integrators, representatives, and Yokogawa product and solutions experts
  • Launch new products and services
  • Learn about the most recent trends, technologies and products in our industry
  • Enjoy numerous networking and hospitality events on the exhibit floor

More information for the 2016 Yokogawa Users Conference and Exhibition – North America will be posted here as it becomes available.